Process Safety Competence Development

Process Safety Competence Development

Competence development is the key to solid process safety

Process safety competency is what organizations are striving for to reduce or eliminate process-related accidents and disasters. The drive toward competence development is powered by regulators, industry associations and companies themselves because it correlates positively with process safety performance.
We are at the forefront of the transformation from mere safety training to process safety competence development. We understand that every organization is unique, and we start by setting goals and reviewing proficiency levels specific to the customer. Once the gaps in knowledge are identified we set about filling them in ways that resonate with the company and its staff. We know that competence does not end with a certificate but is an ongoing process requiring verification and long-term reinforcement.
Our process safety competency development program is the result of over 30 years of experience working with the world’s major process businesses and is delivered by highly experienced process safety practitioners providing a high level of advice and experience-based answers to profession.

Your Benefits

• Effective competence development with consideration of individual needs
• Customized resolutions and programs, tailored to your organization
• Competent process safety experts and experience-based advice
• Enhancement of process safety awareness for your workforce

Our Approach

Our process safety competency development program is the result of 25 years of experience. Working with the world’s major process businesses, we recognize that competence development in process safety must be designed for your individual needs in order to be effective. The principal competency areas we address are:
• Process safety legislation and regulations
• Understanding process safety hazards
• Hazard identification and risk analysis
• Hazard mitigation and process safety management programs
• Working in hazardous areas
In general, our programs proceed through four main stages in which we seek to:
• Sensitize: we assess beginning competency levels and provide access to content
• Introduce: we provide instruction on topics needing attention, followed up by assessments
• Embed: we reinforce new information with practical training using real world examples and offer tutoring
• Maintain: we keep access to information open and carry out follow-up activities


• We have over 30 years of experience working with the world’s major process businesses.
• We offer competence development programs in all major international languages tailored to specific local requirements.
• We deliver our services through local DEKRA Process Safety Academy centers across the globe.
• We engage highly experienced process safety practitioners providing a high level of advice and experience-based answers